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Date & Time: Wednesday, January 26th, 5:00pm-6:00pm PT
Location: Zoom, register here
Details: Join SURJ's first launch meeting of the United Vision project to join our work to fight the far-Right and organize white people away from white supremacy. At the kick-off we'll connect with SURJ members across the network, learn more about the work ahead, and collectively ground ourselves in the political moment and the history of the work to interrupt the Right's organizing. 

More about the project: The United Vision Project is bringing people together across the country to do text-based canvassing to listen and learn more about how white communities are being recruited into white nationalist organizations and beliefs. We'll use what we learn to support organizing interventions to block the Right and counter-organize in these communities in 2022 and beyond. 

Accessibility: This is an event we are amplifying but are not hosting. The SURJ registration page has options to request closed captioning, ASL interpretation, or to indicate other access requests.